Quick Reads


NEGOTIATORS warned to LOOK BEFORE LEAPING! Civil Society Alarmed at Climate Technology Quick Fixes in Copenhagen

Over 160 civil society groups, including social movements and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), released a joint declaration on technology: “Let's Look Before We Leap!”. The declaration alerts governments to the absence of any precautionary environmental and social assessment mechanisms in the draft Copenhagen agreement on technology, and claims that the current approach poses grave threats to human health, human rights, rural livelihoods, diverse ecosystems and climate stability.


Communiqué de Presse: RÉFLÉCHIR AVANT D’AGIR!

La société civile alarmée face aux solutions technologiques miracles au changement climatique proposées à Copenhague

Plus de 160 groupes de la société civile, englobant des mouvements sociaux et des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG), ont rendu publique unde déclaration conjointe portant sur la technologie, intitulée « Réfléchissons avant d’agir ! ». La déclaration vise à alerter les gouvernements devant l’absence, dans le projet d’entente sur les technologies de Copenhague, de toute mention d’un mécanisme d’évaluation environnementale et sociale fondé sur le principe de précaution.

Media Advisory

On Behalf Of Ad Hoc Coalition: Let's Look Before We Leap!

An international group of more than 150 civil society groups from 36 countries will release a joint declaration calling upon governments in Copenhagen to revamp the draft text on technology transfer, to ensure that the precautionary principle is respected and that high-risk and unproven climate “techno-fixes” are not allowed to put the world at risk.



Time’s Up

Climate Justice Now! Network Denounces False Climate Solutions in Barcelona

BARCELONA – The international civil society network Climate Justice Now! deplores the downplaying of expectations for the Copenhagen Climate Summit in Barcelona by industrialized countries, UNFCCC officials and the host of the Copenhagen Summit.  On the eve of Copenhagen, there is still no real progress on targets, a naïve and dangerous reliance on market mechanisms, no commitment to human rights, and a frightening context in which some countries are beginning to talk seriously about dangerous climate techno-fixes.

Llegó la hora

La red internacional Climate Justice Now! denuncia las falsas soluciones al cambio climático planteadas en Barcelona

La red internacional de la sociedad civil Climate Justice Now! deplora la minimización en las expectativas de la Cumbre de Copenhague sobre el Clima, celebrada, en Barcelona, entre los gobiernos de los países industrializados, los funcionarios de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC) y el anfitrión de la Cumbre. En la víspera de esta Cumbre, todavía no hay un avance real en los objetivos, prevalece una confianza ingenua y peligrosa sobre los mecanismos de mercado, no hay compromiso con los derechos humanos, y existe un contexto escalofriante en el que algunos países están comenzando a hablar muy en serio acerca de peligrosas soluciones técnicas.

Informe de la Sociedad Real sobre geoingeniería y el clima

¿Geoingeniería o geopiratería?

Estando bajo la dirección del presidente de la Sociedad Real (Academia de Ciencias del Reino Unido), Lord Martin Rees, y comentado por James Lovelock, padre de la Hipótesis de Gaia, el reporte recién publicado de esta academia[1], que analiza las posibilidades de rediseñar el mundo por medio de la geoingeniería para salvarlo de la crisis del clima, podría parecer la encarnación personificada del principio precautorio.

The Royal Society’s Report on Geoengineering the Climate: Geoengineering or Geopiracy?

With the Royal Society’s President, Lord Martin Rees, presiding and James Lovelock, the father of the Gaia Hypothesis, commenting, the release of the Society’s report[1] outlining the possibilities for geoengineering the world out of the climate crisis could seem the very embodiment of the precautionary principle. In his 2004 book, Our Final Century, it was Lord Rees after all who warned us that technological hubris could obliterate a million lives through “bio error or bioterror” before 2020. He is a cautious man not disposed to put faith in technological silver bullets. Likewise, Dr. Lovelock has been outspoken in his alarm over the impending climate chaos – edging toward geoengineering, but equally perturbed by the “Kafkaesque” prospects of scientists and governments trying to rejig the planetary thermostat.

UK Royal Society on Geoengineering: The Emperor's New Climate?

Science Fictions: UK's Royal Society to issue major report on geoengineering; ban real-world experiments, says ETC Group

The oldest scientific academy in the world, the UK’s Royal Society, will release its long-awaited report on geoengineering September 1st 2009 in London. The report, drafted by a panel dominated by geoengineering enthusiasts, is widely expected to recommend that the government support more research and perhaps even real-world experimentation of these controversial new technologies that intentionally manipulate the earth’s climate on a large scale with the aim of lessening the effects of climate change.

“Geoengineering is a bad idea, and, unfortunately, it may transform Lord Rees’s book from musings to memoir,” says Diana Bronson, researcher for the international technology watchdog ETC Group, referring to the Royal Society President’s 2004 book, Our Final Century, which suggested that humans may not live to see the end of the 21st century.

Ficciones científicas: La sociedad real del reino unido publica un importante reporte sobre geoingeniería

Prohibir los experimentos en el mundo real, dice el grupo ETC

La institución científica más antigua del mundo, la Sociedad Real del Reino Unido, publica hoy un muy esperado reporte sobre geoingeniería. Muchos prevén que el reporte, redactado por un panel dominado por entusiastas de la geoingeniería, recomendará que el gobierno apoye más investigaciones y quizá hasta experimentos en el mundo real con estas nuevas y polémicas tecnologías que intencionalmente manipulan el clima de la tierra en gran escala con el objetivo de disminuir los efectos del cambio climático.
